"Face tonic-HYDROLATE (herbal distillate) – a natural product with wide application. All herbs are handpicked in a nature and environment friendly manner in ecologically clean spots."
Products and usage:
face moisturizer before applying cream, oil, oil extract
tonic for cleaning, moisturizing, refreshing the face, for face hydration while being in the rooms with dry air (in offices working with computers)
for hair and scalp care, for example, before drying with hairdryer and styling (no rinse)
for face, eye, eyelid compresses
for disinfection, soothing, curing irritated skin after shaving and depilation
for disinfection, removing irritation and inflammatory processes after insect bites
ingredient for the preparation of cosmetics (creams, masks, gels) added instead of water
for room, cloth disinfection and flavoring
tonic for cleaning, moisturizing, refreshing the face, for face hydration while being in the rooms with dry air (in offices working with computers)
for hair and scalp care, for example, before drying with hairdryer and styling (no rinse)
for face, eye, eyelid compresses
for disinfection, soothing, curing irritated skin after shaving and depilation
for disinfection, removing irritation and inflammatory processes after insect bites
ingredient for the preparation of cosmetics (creams, masks, gels) added instead of water
for room, cloth disinfection and flavoring
antiseptic and disinfectant. Antibacterial, stimulating blood circulation, purifying. Reduces stress, nervousness, anger. Especially suitable after shaving, takes off irritation and inflammation. Helps to control emotions.
If you remember the scent of a fir-tree forest in an early autumn morning, then know – we have managed to catch this aroma in the fir-tree tonic with an expressive fragrance of resin.
If you remember the scent of a fir-tree forest in an early autumn morning, then know – we have managed to catch this aroma in the fir-tree tonic with an expressive fragrance of resin.
antiseptic, enables the immunity. Expectorating, encouraging, disinfectant. Works mildly. Fills one’s heart with the peace and “the sun”. Supplements energy resources. Helps against the skin problems caused by nervous disorder. Recreates after physical and mental exhaustion.
Imagine the scent of a stand of pine trees in a sunny spring day, this is exactly the scent of the tonic – like young pine sprouts that strive towards the sun.
Imagine the scent of a stand of pine trees in a sunny spring day, this is exactly the scent of the tonic – like young pine sprouts that strive towards the sun.
antiseptic, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, blood cleansing and disinfectant. Purifies, heals and provides freshness and tonus to the skin. Cleans from negative energies. Broadens consciousness and releases from anxiety. Helps to be aware of one’s “divine power”.
Usually juniper calls to mind the sweetish bitter aroma, it is the aroma of wood, while CADE juniper tonic is extracted from juniper needles and that is why the fragrance differs a little and reminds us more of fresh grass and trees that have just burst into leaf in the spring.
Usually juniper calls to mind the sweetish bitter aroma, it is the aroma of wood, while CADE juniper tonic is extracted from juniper needles and that is why the fragrance differs a little and reminds us more of fresh grass and trees that have just burst into leaf in the spring.
Silver fir:
antiseptic, disinfectant, regulates blood pressure. Heals respiratory organs, stimulates detoxication of the body. The energy of silver fir is equally strong and mild, it helps to get free of sadness and open for joy and a new day.
Subtle, with a sweet aroma of caramel, with a slightly sour and bitter hint in the beginning. The aroma which becomes stronger with every second and fills us up with the sweet taste of love.
Subtle, with a sweet aroma of caramel, with a slightly sour and bitter hint in the beginning. The aroma which becomes stronger with every second and fills us up with the sweet taste of love.
Antibakteriāla, ar izteiktām pretiekaisuma īpašībām, dezinficējoša. Attīra un dziedē ādu, izmanto sēnītes ārstēšanai. Enerģētiski šis skaistais rožu dzimtas koks ir piedošanas un mīlestības koks, kurš vairo mūsu skaistumu, attīra auru. Līdzsvaro cilvēku, palīdz piedot sev un citiem.
Baltegle ar ievu un kalmi:
Šajā tonikā kā bāzes augi destilētas baltegles skujas, ievas mizas un kalmes sakne, procesa gaitā pievienojot vēl 25 dažādus augus, kopā veidojot trejdeviņu spēku.
(sastāvs: baltegle, ievas miza, kalmes sakne, + ceļmallapa, tīruma kosa, nātre, vībotne, pelašķis, maura retējs, maura sūrene, gārsa, vārpata, lazda, ganu plikstiņš, bērzs, dzeltenā madara, baltā madara, usne, naktssvece, veronika, vīgrieze, sētložņa, roze, kadiķis, virza, amoliņš, kļava)
Smarža ļoti mainīga, atkarīga no cilvēka, kurš šo toniku smaržo. Dominē baltegles smarža, kura vijas ar ievas mizu saldo mandeļu smaržu.
(sastāvs: baltegle, ievas miza, kalmes sakne, + ceļmallapa, tīruma kosa, nātre, vībotne, pelašķis, maura retējs, maura sūrene, gārsa, vārpata, lazda, ganu plikstiņš, bērzs, dzeltenā madara, baltā madara, usne, naktssvece, veronika, vīgrieze, sētložņa, roze, kadiķis, virza, amoliņš, kļava)
Smarža ļoti mainīga, atkarīga no cilvēka, kurš šo toniku smaržo. Dominē baltegles smarža, kura vijas ar ievas mizu saldo mandeļu smaržu.
antiseptic, antibacterial, purifies and heals, stimulates hair growth. Provides freshness and tonus to the skin. Birch is called “the healer of the soul” and the carrier of joie de vivre. Birch carries absolute energy of gratitude, through gratitude we heal both the heart and the soul.
The aroma of dried leaves dominates. It reminds us of a strong and plentiful scent of birch bath besoms.
The aroma of dried leaves dominates. It reminds us of a strong and plentiful scent of birch bath besoms.
Diļļu sēklas un laksti destilēti kopā ar priedes skujām un bērzu lapām. Antibakteriālas un asins attīrošas īpašības. Hidrolāts gatavots ar domu iekšējai lietošanai organisma attīrīšanai, un asins sastāva uzlabošanai. Smarža ir interesanta un svaiga, dilli jūt pavisam viegli un vairāk atgādina ķimeņu svaigumu, kurš mijas ar priedes skuju smaržu. Toniks tonizē ādu, seja iegūst mirdzumu.
Aromāts interesants. ir jāpasmaržo pašam, lai sajustu patieso šī tonika vēstījumu. Varētu mēģināt raksturot divos vārdos: tīrības smarža.
Aromāts interesants. ir jāpasmaržo pašam, lai sajustu patieso šī tonika vēstījumu. Varētu mēģināt raksturot divos vārdos: tīrības smarža.
(for the fair sex) – a tonic of wild oregano, garden sage, yellow bedstraw, birch and somewhat lovage. It is a powerful combination of herbs, especially you can feel it when you try the aroma of the essential oil. All the combined herbs stimulate and harmonise the activity of the hormonal system. Helps to balance female and male energies.
The aroma is not unequivocal, the fragrance of oregano interchanges with the bitter sweetness of sage and bedstraw.
The aroma is not unequivocal, the fragrance of oregano interchanges with the bitter sweetness of sage and bedstraw.
Quince with goldenrod:
rich in vitamin C and valuable tannins, tones the skin and pleases the mind. Quince, similar to citrus, improves the mood, dispels depressing thoughts. Goldenrod is an invasive herb, but it turns out to be valuable. It helps to treat liver and bile disorders, releases your pranic energy from old programmes. It excellently combines with any other herb.
Bird-cherry with goldenrod:
antibacterial, with expressive anti-inflammatory qualities, disinfectant. Purifies and heals the skin, also used in fungus treatment. Energetically this beautiful tree of the rose family is the tree of forgiveness and love that enhances our beauty and cleans aura. Balances, helps us to forgive oneself and others. When steaming the bark of bird-cherry I have also added goldenrod and a small portion of the sweet flag root which energetically clears and broadens consciousness.
Spring-like, with a slightly expressed bitter-sweet aroma of almonds.
Spring-like, with a slightly expressed bitter-sweet aroma of almonds.
the active substances of the common tansy have an antiseptic and spasmolytic effect. In folk medicine tansy is mostly used to kill parasites, it helps to treat various disorders: epilepsy, hysterias and headaches. Energetically it helps to release from all kinds of “foreign” energies which we often borrow from each other unconsciously.
A strong, expressively sweet bitter aroma of tansy.
A strong, expressively sweet bitter aroma of tansy.
yarrow is called a healer as it possesses the cleansing power of blood. Heals and balances oily, unhealthy, tired and irritated skin with blemishes, acne and couperose. Diminishes irritation of allergic reaction. Possesses antiseptic, restorative qualities, stimulates healing of wounds. Energetically yarrow is the herb of light which helps to maintain light in oneself trough conscious “existence”.
A strong fragrance of yarrow flowers.
A strong fragrance of yarrow flowers.
French marigold:
French marigold is a twin sister of calendula with remarkable antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, it regenerates skin tissues and helps to smooth scar tissues. Especially suitable for damaged skin. French marigold embodies the energy of the sun which radiates light, helps to regain balance and be “here and now”.
A slightly bitter and autumnal aroma of French marigold.
A slightly bitter and autumnal aroma of French marigold.
Marsh tea:
any berry-picker who has been in a bog recognises the shrub of marsh tea, however, the rare exception has seen the beautiful, white umbels of flowers! Marsh tea as a medicinal herb has been honoured for long ago by taking certain precaution because of its toxicity. Marsh tea is used both externally and internally – rub it when your bones and joints ache, drink tea or make inhalation when you have asthma, long cough or cold. Mash tea plays a significant role in the spiritual treatment of different folk traditions. In Ayurveda marsh tea symbolises longevity, energetically it helps to release from “frames” forced by the society. When a person starts to live according to their inner guideline and the voice of their heart, they become healthy, self-sufficient and can “breathe” freely.
Filled with wild forest strength, an expressive aroma of marsh tea.
Filled with wild forest strength, an expressive aroma of marsh tea.
Iztvaicēti jaunie lazdas dzinumi. Šis destilāts ir lieliski piemērots taukainas un jaukta tipa ādas kopšanai, kā arī sakairinātai ādai, ar paplašinātām un/vai aizsprostotām porām, jo lazdai piemīt ādu savelkošas un tonizējošas īpašības. Pateicoties lazdas antibakteriālajām un asinsriti uzlabojošām īpašībām, to var izmantot, lai veicinātu matu sakņu stiprināšanu, kā arī nomierinātu iekaisušu, apsārtušu ādu. Lazda dainās tiek apdziedāta kā koks, kurš palīdz mums ieraudzīt patieso būtību un īstās vērtības- „atšķirt graudus no pelavām”, tā neļaus mums melot pašiem sev. Ja esi patiesības meklējumos, tad lazda Tevi uzrunās!
Viegls, svaigs un maigs aromāts!
Viegls, svaigs un maigs aromāts!
a composition of herbs with a strong antibacterial effect which especially revitalise the skin (the composition includes: camomile, calendula, St. John’s wort, birch, yellow bedstraw).
A scent with a changeable nature which frequently confuses. The bitterness of camomile interchanges with the honeyed scent of bedstraw.
A scent with a changeable nature which frequently confuses. The bitterness of camomile interchanges with the honeyed scent of bedstraw.
the floral water is a mixture of different flowers – rose, bedstraw, oregano, yarrow, meadowsweet, camomile, thyme, heather, mint and some trees – birch and hazel. An excellent daily treatment tonic for dry, sensitive skin. It discloses our emotional state by changing different floral aromas, still letting the rose to put itself forward most frequently.
The lightness of flowers vibrates in the aroma of this floral water which reminds us of a soft breath of wind in a summer day.
The lightness of flowers vibrates in the aroma of this floral water which reminds us of a soft breath of wind in a summer day.
many different autumn herbs are combined in this floral water. Beginning with French marigold and finishing with the root of ground elder. This floral water was created to reduce bone and deep muscle pains. A strange tonic – sometimes dynamic, sometimes so volatile and light, sweetness interchanges with bitterness.
A scent with a changeable nature, someone finds it fantastic, someone remains indifferent.
A scent with a changeable nature, someone finds it fantastic, someone remains indifferent.
Trejdeviņu spēks:
Two versions of mixed hydrolates are available:
White fir with Bird cherry, Calamus
and other herbs (27 herbs in total)
also a mixture of 27 herbs
(Iesmaržojot…) The aroma of Trejdeviņi transfers to us the power of Latvian nature!
(Latvija ir tā zeme…) In Latvian folk tales trejdeviņi (3X9) is a magic count of countries and seas that must be crossed to reach the place where wonderful things and powers can be found. Is it really somewhere at “the other end of the world”?
We are all looking for happiness, joy, health and wealth. Actually, the magic power of trejdeviņi can be found in our own land, our houses, yards, meadows and forests – in ourselves. On St John’s Day (summer solstice) we collect the traditional bouquet of trejdeviņi flowers or make a wreath of trejdeviņi flowers and grasses. We pick the herbs and flowers in the meadow because they find us and they speak to us, because they are necessary for us - it is the wisdom of our ancestors to listen to the nature and ourselves. We are all descendants of the ancient people who were wise and clever and who lived in harmony with the nature and the laws of God. It is how the product of „Trejdeviņi power” was created: in one rhythm with the nature and God. Each of you can find what you are looking for.
White fir with Bird cherry, Calamus
and other herbs (27 herbs in total)
also a mixture of 27 herbs
(Iesmaržojot…) The aroma of Trejdeviņi transfers to us the power of Latvian nature!
(Latvija ir tā zeme…) In Latvian folk tales trejdeviņi (3X9) is a magic count of countries and seas that must be crossed to reach the place where wonderful things and powers can be found. Is it really somewhere at “the other end of the world”?
We are all looking for happiness, joy, health and wealth. Actually, the magic power of trejdeviņi can be found in our own land, our houses, yards, meadows and forests – in ourselves. On St John’s Day (summer solstice) we collect the traditional bouquet of trejdeviņi flowers or make a wreath of trejdeviņi flowers and grasses. We pick the herbs and flowers in the meadow because they find us and they speak to us, because they are necessary for us - it is the wisdom of our ancestors to listen to the nature and ourselves. We are all descendants of the ancient people who were wise and clever and who lived in harmony with the nature and the laws of God. It is how the product of „Trejdeviņi power” was created: in one rhythm with the nature and God. Each of you can find what you are looking for.
Toniks matu sakņu stiprināšanai:
Iztvaicēti augi, kuri īpaši atveseļo un stiprina matu saknes (Sastāvā: kalmju saknes, nātres, bērzu lapas un daudz citi vērtīgi augi)
Atsauc atmiņā bērnību - lauki, maza, silta pirtiņa, slotiņas un šī piesātinātā un neatkārtojamā smarža!
Atsauc atmiņā bērnību - lauki, maza, silta pirtiņa, slotiņas un šī piesātinātā un neatkārtojamā smarža!
Production / Packing:
“Cade” hydrolates are herbal distillates made from medicinal herbs picked in forests and meadows of Latvia. They are extracted by steam distillation where the steam flows through parts of herbs and absorbs their active substances. The steam condenses and turns into the liquid which has absorbed both the powerful energy of the herbs and their valuable substances – essential oils, organic acids, vitamins and mineral substances. They balance Ph level of the skin, disinfect, heal, sooth, hydrate and tone up. They are widely used in cosmetics production and in aromatherapy. Floral waters are suitable for various procedures – whether in beauty treatment or medicine.
Aromas of herbs.
It is difficult to put aromas of herbs in words since everybody perceives a herb differently according to their current emotional state and inner feeling. The same aroma of a herb, which seamed wonderful yesterday, may seem strange today and be your favourite again the next day! Herbs are the mirror of our soul, they heal and help us to understand our emotions! White fir hydrolate is an excellent example – a strong, sweet aroma arises for many people, while some feel expressively sourish fragrance in the beginning which becomes sweet only gradually. The initial sour scent of white fir witnesses that the person carries the burden of inner sorrow at that moment.
Taking care of environment CADE has chosen to fill its hydrolates into plastic bottles that can be used in human consumption, they do not include bisphenol A and are suitable for recycling with the mark HDPE-2, they are frequently used for vitamin packages in medicine.
It is difficult to put aromas of herbs in words since everybody perceives a herb differently according to their current emotional state and inner feeling. The same aroma of a herb, which seamed wonderful yesterday, may seem strange today and be your favourite again the next day! Herbs are the mirror of our soul, they heal and help us to understand our emotions! White fir hydrolate is an excellent example – a strong, sweet aroma arises for many people, while some feel expressively sourish fragrance in the beginning which becomes sweet only gradually. The initial sour scent of white fir witnesses that the person carries the burden of inner sorrow at that moment.
Taking care of environment CADE has chosen to fill its hydrolates into plastic bottles that can be used in human consumption, they do not include bisphenol A and are suitable for recycling with the mark HDPE-2, they are frequently used for vitamin packages in medicine.
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Body scrubs - Masks / Essential oils / Oil extracts / Tonics - hydrolates / Tea
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European project no. 17-04-AL02-AO19.2101-000010
Mob. phone.: +371 29403760, Solvita Kūna, E-mail: [email protected], website:
European project no. 17-04-AL02-AO19.2101-000010
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